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National Science And Technology Museum


Past Exhibitions

Global Warming, We Care- Exhibition of Global Warming, Energy Conservation, and Carbon Emission Reduction

Global Warming, We Care- Exhibition of Global Warming, Energy Conservation, and Carbon Emission Reduction

Running the Number- Photography of the Environment

Running the Number- Photography of the Environment

The film "An Inconvenient Truth" brought the environmental issues to the world's attention. CommonWealth Magazine quoted a US NOAA report in an article published last year discussing the issues of  global warming, which indicates that the winter of 2006 was the warmest winter on Earth since 1880 (the beginning of documentation) and, in the winter months of early 2008, the world was struck by cold disasters due to the La Niña effect. The Earth has been sending out signals to mankind.  As a center for social education, the National Science and Technology Museum teams up with the National Geographic Channel to launch the educational film exhibition on the eve of the 2008 World Earth Day targeting on the environmental issues. For details regarding the World Earth Day series events organized by National Geographic Channel, please visit [About the Exhibition] ★ A self-portrait of an American "Running the Numbers" is a series of photography works discussing the environmental issues and reflecting contemporary American culture through the simple and original forms of numbers. Each photo expresses an issue through presentation of a certain amount of a certain object. For examples, 410 thousand paper cups are used in every 15 minutes and 106 thousand aluminum cans are used in every 30 seconds. This series of photography works examines the bizarre phenomena behind the huge numbers. The artist uses thousands of thumbnail images to create a complex mosaic of a large image. The desires hiding inside of the images highlights the role of each individual in society and because of which, our society becomes enormous, hard to understand and unbearable. This Photography Exhibition aims to raise public interest in environmental issues to encourage people to become involved in the actions. ★Running the Number Photography Exhibition Seventeen large image works are created from millions of objects we use every day. These images bring the audience up-close to the reality of the huge numbers of objects we consume everyday in an aim to stimulate self-reflection on how mankind consumes the resources of the Earth. ★Information Sharing Zone Browse it; take a moment to flip around the data of the Earth.   Write it and draw it; make a wish for the Earth. Organizers: National Museum of Science and Technology, National Geographic Channel Co-organizer: Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan Time: May 5th to August 3rd 2008 Location: Kaohsiung-North Wing 4th Floor Sanfang HallDamage to the Earth inflicted by men in the development of civilization and the pursuit for better life caused the abnormal climate change; thus, for sustainable development of the Earth, as well as mankind, environmental protection has become an issue widely discussed and many people have begun to take actions.

Home of the Future Creative Design Exhibition

Home of the Future Creative Design Exhibition

Along with the rapid development of information communication technologies (ICT), ICT has become an inseparable part of people's lives. In view of which, the Executive Yuan proposed the issue of Intelligent Living Space Strategies in the 2005 and 2006 Industrial Technology Strategy Conference, to encourage integration of electronic, electrical, material, information science, and communication technologies into the industry of property development. The ideas are expected to be manifested in the trends and opportunities of creating intelligent living spaces utilizing the technology advantages of Taiwan in electrical, electronic, material, information science, telecommunication, automation and control.The 2007 Intelligent Living Space Creative Design Competition The First Home of the Future Creative Design Exhibition   Time: April 10th to May 11th 2009 Location: First Floor Art Gallery, National Science and Technology Museum Organizer: Architecture and Building Research Institute, Ministry of the Interior Organizer: Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) Co-Organizer: National Science and Technology Museum The designers in this competition surveyed the changes in lifestyles and society to create scenarios of intelligent living, taking into consideration the users' needs for safety, comfort, healthy living, convenience, intelligent control, and environmental friendliness. These intelligent designs not only present the image and culture of Taiwan, but also convey a new trend of life. This competition is themed upon four subject areas: safety, healthcare, sustainable energy, and convenience and comfort; based on which, the designers plot out their ideas of intelligent homes through Digital Home or ICT technologies. Integrating the elements of lifestyle and user-friendly designs, this exhibition aims to stimulate and expand the scope of imagination and bring the audiences into the infinite possibilities of intelligent living and the convenience it will bring to our lives. Through this event, designers come together to present their ideas of the future intelligent homes. The 2007 (1st) Home of the Future Creative Design Exhibition presents creative technology used in the living scenarios. The designs of future homes, laid out in digital images, are targeted to create intelligent living spaces utilizing electrical, electronic, material, information science, telecommunication, automation and control technologies. Starting from the "user-centered" concept, the designers create applications for everyday-living scenarios, dining, clothing, dwelling, transportation, education, and entertainment, integrating intelligent technologies, aesthetics, and user-friendly designs to illustrate their ideas of a friendly living environment in the future. Exhibits: creative works that have been nominated or won awards in the competition; a total of 11 A1 size posters are selected. First Place:Baze- A bed in a secret base Second Place:Happy School- Happy Learning and Happy Moving Third Place:Intelligent Indoor Light Tuning System- Designed based on a wireless sensor network Special Selection: FLOWERPOD Selection of Honor 1. Little Home Helper 2. Vogue Home— Diary of a Vogue Expert 3.  21 Century Door, Window, and Curtain Judge's Selections 1. Wireless Intelligent Community 2. Road Guiding System for the Cognitive Ability Impaired Users 3. The Reminding Doorway 4. Green Home- Managing emotions, health and behaviors through bio-signals 5. The Magic Box

Exhibition of the National Science and Technology Program for e-Learning in Southern Taiwan

Exhibition of the National Science and Technology Program for e-Learning in Southern Taiwan

In response to the Life-long Learning Movement, the government has joined hands with private organizations to build a "Zero-distance to learning- knowledge diversification" environment for lifelong education. To advocate this movement, the office of the National Science and Technology Program for e-Learning (National Science Council) initiated the Exhibition of the National Science and Technology Program for e-Learning in Southern Taiwan, which is organized by the National Science and Technology Museum. This exhibition will be opened to the public from March 15th at the east side of the first floor of the National Science and Technology Museum, showcasing the achievements in digital learning developed by 11 of the public offices in recent years.Through a series of computer networks, this exhibition will bring audiences into the magical world of digital learning. Visitors will have the opportunity to experience Hakka culture and the lives of the aborigines, and browse the beautiful collections in the National Palace Museum. Interactive games will bring not only children but also adults into the fun world of learning. This exhibition showcases the best digital learning solutions for the government offices, private businesses, school and institutions, and the general public. The main projects include digital learning from the Ministry of Education, Art Learning Network from the Council of Cultural Affairs, the 24-hour digital classroom of the National Palace Museum, the occupational learning network from the Council of Labor Affairs, Health on the Web from the Department of Health, 10X Speed Learning from the Industrial Development Bureau, New Generation Digital Learning Environment Technology from the Department of Industrial Technology, One Click- building the key digital abilities for the indigenous citizens from the  Council of Indigenous Peoples, Hakka E-Learning Center from the Council of Hakka Affairs, and the Chinese Language and Culture Digital Learning Center from the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission. This exhibition brings residents in Southern Taiwan to know the achievements of the government's efforts in promoting digital learning. The objective of this exhibition aims to promote life-long learning through a diversity of learning modes, as well as digital learning activities in the communities. By integrating the rich and diversified resources of digital learning in Taiwan, the projects aim to stimulate learning and improve the competitiveness of the citizens of Taiwan. This exhibition is open to everyone interested; for details, please visit Time: March 15th to 30th 2008 Location: First Floor Eastside Corridor, National Science and Technology Museum (ticket required)

Philippines and Indonesia Folk Artifacts Exhibition

Philippines and Indonesia Folk Artifacts Exhibition

Philippines and Indonesia Folk Artifacts Exhibition

Taiwan's Amazing Transformation in Science and Technology- At the Edge of Empires

Taiwan's Amazing Transformation in Science and Technology- At the Edge of Empires

Taiwan's Amazing Transformation in Science and Technology- At the Edge of Empires

The Train of Discovery on the Way to the Digital Kingdom

The Train of Discovery on the Way to the Digital Kingdom

The Train of Discovery on the Way to the Digital Kingdom

Contemporary Sword and Saber Artists in Taiwan

Contemporary Sword and Saber Artists in Taiwan

Contemporary Sword and Saber Artists in Taiwan

Adventure in the Bug's Planet

Adventure in the Bug's Planet

Versatile Plastic- The Daily Plastic Show

Versatile Plastic- The Daily Plastic Show

Versatile Plastic- The Daily Plastic Show
