MOVE! into the Wild Life (Online/Kiosk Ticket $180 is available from April 8 to May 20)
Have you ever imagined turning into a variety of creatures? Now you can "transform" into a lizard, a penguin, a pill bug and a lion! The educative and interactive exhibition "MOVE! into the Wild Life" from Japan is coming to Kaohsiung, Taiwan!
All living creatures adapt to their environment with distinctive intelligence and ingenuity. Even if some look or act strangely to us, these are unique traits that living creatures have developed to survive―in fact, we could call them the practical application of an idea.
This exhibit is a bold new effort to let visitors experience the unique survival secrets of creatures by actually “becoming” one themselves. Visitors will discover how humans can sustain a harmonious relationship with other living creatures by experiencing life from their perspective.
There are six exhibition areas, including Wonder Jungle, Small Garden, Survival Ocean, Miracle Savana, Gear Center, and Huge Encyclopedia. Both parents and children can play and learn! Come to National Science and Technology Museum and have fun!
Exhibition Time:2019/05/21~2019/09/01,09:00~17:00 from Mon. to Sun. (stop ticket sales and admission at 16:30)
(If there is any change in the opening hours of the exhibition, please refer to the on-site announcement.)
Venue:National Science and Technology Museum, the 4th anf 5th Special Exhibition Gallery
Organizer:UdnFunLife Co., Ltd., National Science and Technology Museum
【Entrance Fee】
【On Site Ticket】
●Adults:$ 280
●Students/Children(ages over 1):$ 250 (Student ID must be shown. Student ID of graduate school, community college, Open University and executive education are not applicable.)
●Seniors(ages over 65)/Disabled:$ 140 (Valid identity needed.)
●Children(ages under 1):Free. (Must be accompanied by a paying adult.)
【Online/Kiosk Ticket】
Tickets are available via udn Ticketing, 7-ELEVEN ibon, FamiPort, Gomaji, Books or 17 life.
■Presale:$180 (available on April 8-May 20, 2019)
■Ticket:$280 (available on May 21-September 1, 2019)