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National Science And Technology Museum


Latest Films

Current film screening

  • T-REX

  • Screening date:2025/01/01-2025/06/30
  • Genre:Digital 3D
  • Length:24min.
  • For over a hundred years dinosaurs have inspired and thrilled audiences, commanding blockbuster status in museums and at the box office. But among them towers a king—a tyrant lizard king. With leaps in CGI wizardry and revolutions in tyrannosaur paleontology over the past twenty-five years, the time has come to revisit rex in the world’s prestigious museum cinemas.
    Working with top tyrannosaur scientists, a coalition of natural history institutions, and pioneering paleo and visual effects artists, GSF’s original giant screen production on this iconic dinosaur—and its carnivorous Cretaceous cousins—aims to be the most dazzling and accurate T. rex documentary ever made.
    With hat tips to famous specimens, landmark discoveries, and wild cinematic depictions over the last century, the film will explore the interplay between speculation and evidence, and reveal how the process of science refreshes and reimagines our understanding of this legendary dinosaur.
Saving Santa
  • Saving Santa

  • Screening date:2024/07/01-2025/06/30
  • Genre:Digital 3D
  • Length:20min.
  • At the top of the North Pole, Bernard is an elf in Santa’s workshop who’s always messing up. One morning, after sleeping in late, Santa kindly shows Bernard the oh-so-secret time machine on his sleigh, which almost no one knows about. Suddenly, Bernard finds army commandos raiding the North Pole, demanding to know the location of his coveted time machine. If the world were to discover the exact location and existence of the North Pole, it would ruin Christmas for everyone! Bernard runs to the time machine and activates the device, going back in time to that same morning. Now it’s a race against time to forge a plot with any elf that will believe his tale, and save Santa before the world finds out the secret of Christmas.

Operating hours

From 10:00 am to 3:20 pm on weekdays and from 10:00 am to 16:00 pm on holidays. For more details about the show times, please refer to the Screening Times. (If there are any changes, please refer to the on-site announcement)


Movie trailers - There is a TV playing movie trailers at the entrance of the cinema, the viewers can get the latest movie information in time. The economical ticket price - NTD150 for 3D movie. For more information about movie, show times and ticket prices, please refer to the Latest Film and Screening Times or inquire on-site in person.

*English version is available every Sunday in March and September at 10:00am and 10:40am. (English dubbing, Chinese and English subtitles)

*English version of group reservation service is available. Please download the group reservation application form HERE.
